Jake Tapper Notices Bucks County's Right-Wing Extremism, Voter Suppression in Berks County, Anti-Mask Zealots Ruin Cheerleading Competition, A Homeless Bill of Rights, And Two Americas?
“There are two Americas: An America that seeks to move towards inclusion, and there is an America that seeks to move towards exclusion and division,” said Western States Center's Eric Ward.
Neonazi and fuhrernet creator Perry Maholland praising Simon Campbell’s rant at the June Pennsbury meeting. Image Courtesy of Bucks County Rising.
Bucks County’s extremist GOP continues to draw national attention to itself. First it was the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Lab’s article “Pennsylvania Three Percenter group lays the groundwork to go national” that unmasked ReOpen Bucks’ paramilitary picnic pals The Proud American Patriots Network. Now, CNN’s Jake Tapper took notice of the Philadelphia ADL calling out the rape and murder threats and anti-semitic, xenophobic, transphobic hate mail sent to Pennsbury School District Democratic school board members. Thanks to Levittown Now for reporting it!
School Boards: Fascists and their collaborators don’t actually care about free speech
School Board Disruptions Escalate, Funded By Conservative Dark Money
Voter Suppression Alert! Berks County, PA, election officials sent Latino voters Spanish mail-in ballots with the wrong election date.
“We are talking about directly disenfranchising more than 17,000 potential voters in the fastest-growing group of citizens in Berks County — a number equaling more than 5% of the total voter turnout in the November 2020 election,” Reading Democrat State Rep. Manuel Guzman said. “If these people don’t get their votes counted due to this error, then the 2021 general election numbers cannot be trusted, and we shatter the faith in elections of countless voters who will believe their vote simply doesn’t matter.”
Diana Robinson, director of civic engagement for Make the Road Pennsylvania, said “this is part of an alarming pattern” of voter suppression directed at Spanish-speaking voters in Berks.
“In the 2020 election, it was Make the Road volunteers who stepped up to interpret for Spanish speakers, deescalate racism against voters and ensure every Berks resident could exercise their right to vote when the commissioners failed to do their job,” Robinson added.
Anti-mask zealots ruin cheerleading competition: These adults acted like toddlers; no, worse actually, because they should know better and know how to follow simple instructions. According to Morning Call columnist Paul Muschick, he’s “glad Easton Area School District officials kicked everyone out on Saturday. A message had to be sent, to these parents and to others who can learn from their stubbornness.” All they had to do was follow the district’s rules and wear masks inside school buildings during district and outside events. I especially appreciate the column because Muschick doesn’t think vaccinated students and staff should have to wear masks. Bucks County schools should follow this example with how to deal with childish and unruly ReOpen Bucks blob members who refuse to put on masks because they think it is a “satanic ritual,” or otherwise.
“Homeless ‘bill of rights’ pursued in Luzerne County” It’s nice to read a headline about PA that actually brings a smile to your face. Yes, we should treat all people, especially the unhoused who our society has let down, with decency and respect their human rights.
“It’s almost common sense. It will recognize that the homeless do have a face and do have rights,” said Luzerne County Commission member Justin Behrens.
According to the article’s author Jennifer Andes, the bill would ensure that “the homeless have the right to move freely ‘in the same manner as any other individual’ in public spaces … public sidewalks, parks, transportation and buildings … [And] They also have the right to emergency medical care free from discrimination and other protections.”
I hope this “common sense” proposal, championed by a Republican no less, can be built upon and spread across the state and country.
Finally, Two Americas?
It’s the new normal. Profanity, screaming, and threats at a school board meeting in Virginia could easily have happened in Bucks County.
Tara Chang flips off the Virginia Beach School Board after speaking to the board about masks during a meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2021. Chang was escorted out of the building by staff and Virginia Beach Police after flipping the board off. (Trent Sprague/The Virginian-Pilot)
“There are two Americas: An America that seeks to move towards inclusion, and there is an America that seeks to move towards exclusion and division,” said Eric Ward, the executive director of the Western States Center, a group that studies white nationalism and authoritarian movements. “It seeks to tap into anything, any topic, that can divide the American public.”
“In hundreds of communities around the country right now, Jan. 6 is still playing out,” he added.
Thanks for reading! I look forward to your feedback and suggestions. And most importantly, keep organizing!