Meet a School Board Candidate: Alana Hardison
"Our children have the capacity to change the world for the better."
Today’s featured school board candidate is Alana Hardison. With her background and ideas, I hope that her winning a seat on the School Board becomes a stepping stone for a larger public office in the future. Learn more about her, why she is running, and how to support her campaign!
Alana Hardison is:
Current member of Bensalem School District's Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Member of Building A Better Bensalem Together (B3T), Bucks County NAACP, Linconia/Concord Park Historical Association, Lower Bucks for Change, and Bucks Tenant Solidarity.
Bensalem Democratic Committee Person for Lower East 2
Attended Bensalem public schools Class of 2004. B.F.A. from The Ohio State University.
Develops the talent of Bucks County's youth through dance for 10 years. Bensalem High School's musical choreographer for 3 years. Bensalem Parks and Recreation choreographer for 1 year.
Married to Kevin Stokes 'BHS Class of 04' and mother to three children.
Why are you running for school board?
Our children have the capacity to change the world for the better. When elected, I will do whatever is within my power to support all children with equity in mind. I will support the teachers and staff who have so much influence on how our children see the world. My priority in life is to serve my community, be the change I want to see, and support the most marginalized among us.
Current Bensalem School Board Director, Vanessa Woods, is the only Black person on the board. Her term is complete and she will not be running again. Bensalem is the most racially, ethnically, and religiously diverse township in Bucks County. Our school board should reflect the citizens it serves. As the only Black Woman running, I hope to be a much needed voice at the table. With three children that are currently in Bensalem public schools, I have a vested interest in making sure my children and their peers have the best experience possible. David Brodecki, Scott Endicter, and Stephanie Gonzalez Ferrandez are my running mates. We are united in our plan to uplift our students, support our teachers, and represent our community.
What do you identify as the top education issues folks must confront in your school district, in Pennsylvania, and nationally?
Bensalem is a microcosm that represents America. Diversity in class, religion, languages, ethnicities, and cultures are abundant. The educational trends that are happening throughout Pennsylvania and nationally are the same in this community. Understanding the needs of our students and properly supporting our teachers will bridge the education gaps seen in testing. Planning for the future instead of only worrying about immediate challenges will help our teachers and parents understand where our district is headed. We must outline long term goals that align with the needs of all students. PCCY recently published a report, “No More Dreams Deferred,” outlining the disparities between Black/Brown students and their peers for all Philadelphia suburban public schools. We must take this important data and begin making action plans to improve the inequity. Creating budgets that fund bridging the education gap with assistance from grants should be a priority. Holding Harrisburg and DC accountable for the inequitable funding formulas that negatively impact our schools is extremely important. Educating the community about how their taxes are working for our children and how the state/federal government can help is the first step to positive change.
Building Trust, Excellence and Equity in Education, Proactive Planning and Fiscal Accountability, and Federal/State Funding are my platform issues. Achievement for all students does not look the same. Different pathways for students can lead to amazing outcomes.
How can folks get involved with your campaign?
I am having my first fundraiser on May 1st from 4-6pm. If you would like to volunteer/attend feel free to email me at or visit my Facebook page. Donations are being accepted at
Which journalists, writers, podcasts, and/or publications do you turn to for information and inspiration?
Twitter has been so eye opening to me. You either love or hate the app! But I have found Twitter to be really accessible and current on how people are feeling about present-day topics. I follow folks in marginalized communities that have ties to grass roots organizations and journalism. WURD Radio is a wonderful media platform that speaks to the needs and interests of the Black community in the Philadelphia area. Andrea Lawful Sanders hosts a daily radio show that aims to inspire positive change while educating the community. Locally, Bucks County Rising has been extremely informative. It is a new media collective that discusses topics not usually spoken about in Bucks County.